An Honorary Doctorate, also known as “honoris causa” This degree is bestowed as an honor rather than through the completion of certain academic requirements is an prestigious award conferred by our varsity to recognize a person’s outstanding achievements or contributions in a particular field, without the recipient having completed the usual requirements for the degree.
Honorary Awards are typically awarded to individuals who have made significant contributions to their respective fields and have earned the respect and admiration of their peers.
Honorary Awards are not typically earned through academic study, research or other traditional academic pursuits but rather they are awarded as a form of recognition for exceptional service or contributions.
Honorary Awards do not have the same academic weight as earned degrees. They are still a prestigious recognition of a person’s achievements and contributions.
Honorary Awards are not typically earned through academic study, research or other traditional academic pursuits, but rather they are awarded as a form of recognition for exceptional service or contributions.
Recipients of Honorary Awards may include Artists, Writers, Scientists, Business leaders,Entrepreneur, Politicians, Celebrities, Sports person , Influencers , Public speakers , Trainers , Journalists and other individuals who have made significant contributions to their field or society.
The recipient must fill the Online self nomination form and must upload :
It’s important to note that Honorary Degree are typically awarded to individuals who have not earned a traditional academic degree.
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